17 March 2013

God gave you a choice!

(Rodica Botan)
Joy in your life He brings,
Flowers in every spring,
Meaning for everything
Love, He brings;
Peace so you can rejoice,
Fredom for you and yours,
Sound, so you have a voice...
He gave us a choice…
God gave us a choice!!!

My mind is so tired, my heart very sad;
We live in a world that is angry and mad…
Some people want peace, but some people just fight;
I wish we'd all know what is wrong and what's right.

We sing and we pray…some of us live in fear...
This land and our freedom to us is so dear;
Give us the desire to serve humankind,
And bring joy to our hearts and peace to our minds!

Joy in your life He brings,
Flowers in every spring,
Meaning for everything
Love, He brings;
Peace so you can rejoyce,
Freedom for you and yours,
Sound, so you have a voice…
He gave you a choice…
God gave you a choice!!!


  1. Very nice, too bad so many take the choice for granted.

  2. and by not taking the choice...they actually make a choice...but a bad choice!!!
