E aproape greu de conceput ca Al Jezeera television a dat voie ca Wafa Sultan, o psihologista Arab-Americana din Los Angeles sa poata sa vorbeasca atit de liber despre religia musulmana …N-ar fi de mirare ca sa aiba deja un pret pe capul ei …trebuie vazut!!!
Here is a powerful and amazing statement on Al Jezeera television. The woman is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles .
It is extremely surprising that the Arab financed TV in Dubai would allow this to air. Be sure and watch this, it is so powerful I have no doubt she now has a very large price on her head. I also have no doubt it won't be on the air long .
Degeaba vorbim noi, sau altii, ca musulmanii sint cei care nu vor pace, au un PR foarte bun care lucra impotriva adevarului.
Chiar astazi am vazut pe PBS sau cum ii zice...vorbeau astia impotriva Israelului fara probleme...numai impotriva lor...
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