Marti, impreuna cu toata natiunea, am privit cum Barack Obama a depus juramintul, devenind al 44-lea Presedinte. Simnificatia acestei ocazii nu a fost pierduta nici de mine; si inima mea s-a simtit inaltata privind pe primul Presedinte African-American punindu-si mina pe Biblie ca sa-si depuna juramintul pentru aceasta pozitie.
Cum am mai mentionat si de alta data aici in acest forum, mi-am propus sa ma rog pentru Presedintele Obama in urmatorii patru ani. Stiu ca aceasta presedintie a fost criticata de unii membrii ai comunitatii conservative, dar natiunea noastra este la o rascruce de drumuri din punct de vedere politic, economic si spiritual si cred ca comunitatea evanghelica trebuie sa-si faca partea ei ca sa ajute natiunea sa se reintoarca la o pozitie sanatoasa. Noi trebuie sa ne rugam neincetat ca Dumnezeu sa ii faca capabili pe Presedintele nostru si conducatorii nostrii - fara deosebire de partidul la care sint afiliati - si sa rezolve problemele care imbolnavesc natiunea americana.
Asta nu inseamna insa, ca am sa agreez cu tot ce face Presedinteke Obama. De fapt, ma vad deja dezagreind cu multe din punctele din agenda lui de lucru. Mai mult chiar, n-am sa pretind ca Presedintele Obama ar avea vreo dorinta sa se ocupe si de mine acum cind in fata ii sta o slujba asa de grea, enorma chiar de a conduce natiunea noastra. Dar astea fiind spuse, eu ca fiu al unuia dintre luptatorii culturali ai acestei natiuni si pastor al uneia dintre cele mai mari biserici ale natiunii, mi-ar place sa utilizez acest forum ca sa ridic doua ingrijorari primare care sper sa ajunga la urechile Presedintelui nostru.
In primul rind, imediat dupa ce a fost depus juramintul, la scurt timp, intregul webside Whitehouse.gov a fost dramtic transformat. Informatiile cu privire la Sanctitatea vietii umane (Snctity of Human Life Sunday )sau informatiile pentru-viata. In locul lor a aparut ceva ce sustinea drepturile la avort si acest pasaj era inclus:"Presedintele Obama intelege ca avortul este un lucru despre care exista pareri impartite, si ii respecta pe cei care nu agreaza cu el. Dar, el a fost totdeauna un consistent campion pentru alegere in privinta reproducerii si va face o prioritate din a prezerva drepturile femeii sub legea Roe.v. Wade in timpul Administratiei lui. El se opune la orice amendamente constitutionale sa rastoarne decizia Curtii Supreme in acest caz."
De ce continua crestinii sa ramina statornici acestei cauze? Considera asta: din 1971 incoace, mai mult de 49 milioane de bebelasi au fost avortati de natiunea noastra. Organizatia Right to Life ( Dreptul la Viata) ne spune ca in jur de 1.2 milioane de avorturi au fost facute in 2006. Desi numarul acesta este mai mic decit in anii precedenti, holocostul avorturilor ramine rusinea natiunii noastre.Dr. Alveda King asociatul Pastoral al Organizatiei Priests for Life sib nepoata Dr Martin Luther King Jr., spunea saptamina asta ..."nu este o mai mare nedreptate decit aceea suferita de 4,000 de copilasi, 1,400 dintre ei negrii, care mor zilnic la mina celor care performeaza avorturi.."
Avortul a devenit o situatie de convenienta in America si eu n-am sa tin tacere despre obisnuinta cu care se distrug vieti inocente. Ma rog in mod sincer ca Presedintele nostru care este un om de familie minunat, va lucra impreuna cu comunitatea pro-life sa ajute femeile sa considere alte alternative mult mai bune decit avortul. Crestinii conservatori trebuie sa lucreze cu cei ce fac legile cum ar fi Re. Mike Pence (R-Ind) care a reintrodus saptamina asta, impreuna cu mai mult de 60 de cosponsori, "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act." care va refuza orice ajutor federal pentru Planned Parenthood of America - cea mai mare agentie nationala care ofera si plateste pentru avorturi.
In al doilea rind Whitehouse.gov webside asterne planul drepturilor civile pe care-l are Presedintele Obama, si care include drepturile de a adopta pentru cuplurile de acelasi sex, un repeal la polita U.S.Military "Dont Ask, D'ont Tell." si opozitia casatoriilor pentru cei ce sint de acelasi sex. Sint constient de faptul ca cultura noastra s-a schimbat in ultiomii ani, dar rugaciunea mea este ca conducatorii nostrii democrati vor face o pauza in campania lor de a deschide larg poarta pentru schimbari in cadrul militar (care nu este un loc potrivit pentru experimente sociale) si in inlaturarea vointei cetatenilor, care in majoritate au votat sa adopteze un amendament pentru intreaga natiune care sa protejeze casatoria.
Eu cred ca guvernul nostru ar trebui sa faca tot posibilul sa opreasca distrugerea familiei traditionale si sa lucreze ca sa ajute pe tati si pe mame ca sa stea impreuna si sa-si creasca familia imoreuna. Date recente arata ca acei copii care nu sint crescuti in case cu parintii lor naturali, au tendinta sa se angajeze in ; activitati sexuale la o virsta mai tinara, au probleme emotionale, sint dati afara din scoli, au probleme cu alcoolul si cu drogurile. Trebuie din nou sa intarim bazele societatii noastre intarind familiile traditionale.
Sper ca cititorii sa ma sustina rugindu-se cu mine pentru protectia si calauzirea cereasca a noului nostru Presedinte, asa cum ne rugam ca inima lui sa fie schimbata si sa fie deschisa pentru viata, si pentru familia traditionala si problemele ce-i apartin.
Insider weekly newsletter to The Moral Majority Coalition and
The Liberty Alliance http://www.falwell.com/
From: Jonathan Falwell
Date: January 23, 2009
My Message to President Obama
On Tuesday, I watched with the rest of the nation as Barack Obama was sworn in as our nation’s 44th President. The significance of the occasion was certainly not lost on me, and my heart soared as we watched our first African American President place his hand on the Bible to take the oath of office amid great fanfare.
As I have noted in this column, I have pledged to pray for President Obama over the course of the next four years. I know this undertaking has been criticized by some in the conservative community, but our nation is at a crossroads politically, economically and spiritually and I believe the evangelical community must do its part to help our nation return to health. We simply must be praying in earnest that God will enable our President and our leaders—no matter their party affiliation—to solve the problems that ail our nation.
This doesn’t mean that I will be giving President Obama a pass on everything he does. In fact, I am sure that I’m going to disagree with many of his policies. Further, I don’t pretend to believe that President Obama desires to hear from me as he takes on the enormous task of leading our nation. However, as the son of one of our nation’s foremost culture warriors and the pastor of one of our nation’s largest churches, I would like to utilize this forum to raise two primary concerns that I hope might reach our President’s ear.
First, within a short time after he had been sworn into office, the entire Whitehouse.gov website experienced dramatic change. Gone was information on the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday or any other pro-life information. In its place was verbiage supporting abortion rights, including this passage:
“President Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority in his Administration. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in that case.”
Why do Christians continue to dwell on abortion? Consider this: Since 1971, more than 49 million babies have been aborted in our nation. According to National Right to Life, about 1.2 million abortions were performed in our nation in 2006. While this figure is down from previous years, the abortion holocaust remains our national shame. Dr. Alveda King, pastoral associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., noted this week, “…there is no greater injustice than that suffered by the 4,000 babies, 1,400 of them black, who die on any given day at the hands of abortionists.”
Abortion has become an issue of convenience in America and I will not be silent about the casual destruction of innocent life. I am sincerely praying that our President, who is a wonderful family man, will work with the pro-life community to help young women consider the far greater alternatives to abortion. Conservative Christians must work with lawmakers like Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) who this week re-introduced, with more than 60 cosponsors, the “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act,” which would deny any federal funding to Planned Parenthood of America—our nation’s leading abortion provider.
Second, the Whitehouse.gov website lays out President Obama’s civil rights plan, which includes the call for adoption rights for same-sex couples, a repeal of the U.S. Military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and opposition to a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I am fully aware that our culture has changed in the last few years, but I am praying that our Democrat leaders will pause in their quest to coerce such broad change in our military (which is no place for social experimentation) and in deterring the will of the people, who have overwhelmingly voted to adopt marriage protection amendments nationwide.
I believe our government should be doing all it can to halt the destruction of the traditional family and working to help fathers and mothers stay together and raise their families together. Recent data shows us that children not raised in homes with natural parents tend to: engage in sexual activity at earlier rates; have emotional problems; be expelled from school; have drug or alcohol problems. We must again foster the traditional family as the basis of our society.
I hope that readers will join me in praying for the safety of and heavenly guidance for our new President, as we also pray that his heart will be open to our pro-life, pro-traditional family concerns.
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Marti, impreuna cu toata natiunea, am privit cum Barack Obama a depus juramintul, devenind al 44-lea Presedinte. Simnificatia acestei ocazii nu a fost pierduta nici de mine; si inima mea s-a simtit inaltata privind pe primul Presedinte African-American punindu-si mina pe Biblie ca sa-si depuna juramintul pentru aceasta pozitie.
Cum am mai mentionat si de alta data aici in acest forum, mi-am propus sa ma rog pentru Presedintele Obama in urmatorii patru ani. Stiu ca aceasta presedintie a fost criticata de unii membrii ai comunitatii conservative, dar natiunea noastra este la o rascruce de drumuri din punct de vedere politic, economic si spiritual si cred ca comunitatea evanghelica trebuie sa-si faca partea ei ca sa ajute natiunea sa se reintoarca la o pozitie sanatoasa. Noi trebuie sa ne rugam neincetat ca Dumnezeu sa ii faca capabili pe Presedintele nostru si conducatorii nostrii - fara deosebire de partidul la care sint afiliati - si sa rezolve problemele care imbolnavesc natiunea americana.
Asta nu inseamna insa, ca am sa agreez cu tot ce face Presedinteke Obama. De fapt, ma vad deja dezagreind cu multe din punctele din agenda lui de lucru. Mai mult chiar, n-am sa pretind ca Presedintele Obama ar avea vreo dorinta sa se ocupe si de mine acum cind in fata ii sta o slujba asa de grea, enorma chiar de a conduce natiunea noastra. Dar astea fiind spuse, eu ca fiu al unuia dintre luptatorii culturali ai acestei natiuni si pastor al uneia dintre cele mai mari biserici ale natiunii, mi-ar place sa utilizez acest forum ca sa ridic doua ingrijorari primare care sper sa ajunga la urechile Presedintelui nostru.
In primul rind, imediat dupa ce a fost depus juramintul, la scurt timp, intregul webside Whitehouse.gov a fost dramtic transformat. Informatiile cu privire la Sanctitatea vietii umane (Snctity of Human Life Sunday )sau informatiile pentru-viata. In locul lor a aparut ceva ce sustinea drepturile la avort si acest pasaj era inclus:"Presedintele Obama intelege ca avortul este un lucru despre care exista pareri impartite, si ii respecta pe cei care nu agreaza cu el. Dar, el a fost totdeauna un consistent campion pentru alegere in privinta reproducerii si va face o prioritate din a prezerva drepturile femeii sub legea Roe.v. Wade in timpul Administratiei lui. El se opune la orice amendamente constitutionale sa rastoarne decizia Curtii Supreme in acest caz."
De ce continua crestinii sa ramina statornici acestei cauze? Considera asta: din 1971 incoace, mai mult de 49 milioane de bebelasi au fost avortati de natiunea noastra. Organizatia Right to Life ( Dreptul la Viata) ne spune ca in jur de 1.2 milioane de avorturi au fost facute in 2006. Desi numarul acesta este mai mic decit in anii precedenti, holocostul avorturilor ramine rusinea natiunii noastre.Dr. Alveda King asociatul Pastoral al Organizatiei Priests for Life sib nepoata Dr Martin Luther King Jr., spunea saptamina asta ..."nu este o mai mare nedreptate decit aceea suferita de 4,000 de copilasi, 1,400 dintre ei negrii, care mor zilnic la mina celor care performeaza avorturi.."
Avortul a devenit o situatie de convenienta in America si eu n-am sa tin tacere despre obisnuinta cu care se distrug vieti inocente. Ma rog in mod sincer ca Presedintele nostru care este un om de familie minunat, va lucra impreuna cu comunitatea pro-life sa ajute femeile sa considere alte alternative mult mai bune decit avortul. Crestinii conservatori trebuie sa lucreze cu cei ce fac legile cum ar fi Re. Mike Pence (R-Ind) care a reintrodus saptamina asta, impreuna cu mai mult de 60 de cosponsori, "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act." care va refuza orice ajutor federal pentru Planned Parenthood of America - cea mai mare agentie nationala care ofera si plateste pentru avorturi.
In al doilea rind Whitehouse.gov webside asterne planul drepturilor civile pe care-l are Presedintele Obama, si care include drepturile de a adopta pentru cuplurile de acelasi sex, un repeal la polita U.S.Military "Dont Ask, D'ont Tell." si opozitia casatoriilor pentru cei ce sint de acelasi sex. Sint constient de faptul ca cultura noastra s-a schimbat in ultiomii ani, dar rugaciunea mea este ca conducatorii nostrii democrati vor face o pauza in campania lor de a deschide larg poarta pentru schimbari in cadrul militar (care nu este un loc potrivit pentru experimente sociale) si in inlaturarea vointei cetatenilor, care in majoritate au votat sa adopteze un amendament pentru intreaga natiune care sa protejeze casatoria.
Eu cred ca guvernul nostru ar trebui sa faca tot posibilul sa opreasca distrugerea familiei traditionale si sa lucreze ca sa ajute pe tati si pe mame ca sa stea impreuna si sa-si creasca familia imoreuna. Date recente arata ca acei copii care nu sint crescuti in case cu parintii lor naturali, au tendinta sa se angajeze in ; activitati sexuale la o virsta mai tinara, au probleme emotionale, sint dati afara din scoli, au probleme cu alcoolul si cu drogurile. Trebuie din nou sa intarim bazele societatii noastre intarind familiile traditionale.
Sper ca cititorii sa ma sustina rugindu-se cu mine pentru protectia si calauzirea cereasca a noului nostru Presedinte, asa cum ne rugam ca inima lui sa fie schimbata si sa fie deschisa pentru viata, si pentru familia traditionala si problemele ce-i apartin.
Insider weekly newsletter to The Moral Majority Coalition and
The Liberty Alliance http://www.falwell.com/
From: Jonathan Falwell
Date: January 23, 2009
My Message to President Obama
On Tuesday, I watched with the rest of the nation as Barack Obama was sworn in as our nation’s 44th President. The significance of the occasion was certainly not lost on me, and my heart soared as we watched our first African American President place his hand on the Bible to take the oath of office amid great fanfare.
As I have noted in this column, I have pledged to pray for President Obama over the course of the next four years. I know this undertaking has been criticized by some in the conservative community, but our nation is at a crossroads politically, economically and spiritually and I believe the evangelical community must do its part to help our nation return to health. We simply must be praying in earnest that God will enable our President and our leaders—no matter their party affiliation—to solve the problems that ail our nation.
This doesn’t mean that I will be giving President Obama a pass on everything he does. In fact, I am sure that I’m going to disagree with many of his policies. Further, I don’t pretend to believe that President Obama desires to hear from me as he takes on the enormous task of leading our nation. However, as the son of one of our nation’s foremost culture warriors and the pastor of one of our nation’s largest churches, I would like to utilize this forum to raise two primary concerns that I hope might reach our President’s ear.
First, within a short time after he had been sworn into office, the entire Whitehouse.gov website experienced dramatic change. Gone was information on the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday or any other pro-life information. In its place was verbiage supporting abortion rights, including this passage:
“President Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority in his Administration. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in that case.”
Why do Christians continue to dwell on abortion? Consider this: Since 1971, more than 49 million babies have been aborted in our nation. According to National Right to Life, about 1.2 million abortions were performed in our nation in 2006. While this figure is down from previous years, the abortion holocaust remains our national shame. Dr. Alveda King, pastoral associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., noted this week, “…there is no greater injustice than that suffered by the 4,000 babies, 1,400 of them black, who die on any given day at the hands of abortionists.”
Abortion has become an issue of convenience in America and I will not be silent about the casual destruction of innocent life. I am sincerely praying that our President, who is a wonderful family man, will work with the pro-life community to help young women consider the far greater alternatives to abortion. Conservative Christians must work with lawmakers like Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) who this week re-introduced, with more than 60 cosponsors, the “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act,” which would deny any federal funding to Planned Parenthood of America—our nation’s leading abortion provider.
Second, the Whitehouse.gov website lays out President Obama’s civil rights plan, which includes the call for adoption rights for same-sex couples, a repeal of the U.S. Military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and opposition to a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I am fully aware that our culture has changed in the last few years, but I am praying that our Democrat leaders will pause in their quest to coerce such broad change in our military (which is no place for social experimentation) and in deterring the will of the people, who have overwhelmingly voted to adopt marriage protection amendments nationwide.
I believe our government should be doing all it can to halt the destruction of the traditional family and working to help fathers and mothers stay together and raise their families together. Recent data shows us that children not raised in homes with natural parents tend to: engage in sexual activity at earlier rates; have emotional problems; be expelled from school; have drug or alcohol problems. We must again foster the traditional family as the basis of our society.
I hope that readers will join me in praying for the safety of and heavenly guidance for our new President, as we also pray that his heart will be open to our pro-life, pro-traditional family concerns.
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or email list@falwell.com
For additional commands, e-mail: fc-help@list.falwell.com
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