06 September 2009


Iata citeva metode de a proteja copii vostrii si pe voi de gripa asta porceasca daca vreti si voi ca si altii sa nu va vaccinati cu H1N1.

1. Spuneti copiilor sa nu se imbratiseze la scoala.
2. Daca e posibil sa nu-si dea mina.
3. Spalati-va miinile, spalati-va miinile…spalati-va miinile.
4. Dar cel mai importanta este buna nutritie si Vitamina D!

Controlati-va fata sa vedeti daca nu sinteti palizi voi sau copii vostrii. Mai mult ca sigur ca asta se datoareaza faptului ca aveti insuficienta in Vitamina D. Vitamina D se dobindeste doar prin expunerea la soare. Dr. William Grant recomanda 50-80 msg in sistemul vostru zilnic. Daca sinteti ingrijorati de nivelul vitaminei D din sistemul vostru, puteti sa aveti un test foarte simplu de singe sa aflati care este nivelul de Vitamina D din organismul vostru. (Ati stiut ca daca aveti suficienta Vitamina D in corp aceasta poate reduce chiar sansele de a va imbolnavi de cancer cu 78%?)


Here are some ways to help protect your kids/yourself from swine flu if you like many are choosing not to receive the H1N1 vaccine.
1. No hugs at school/work.
2. No hi-5’s at school/work.
3. Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands.
4. But more importantly, good nutrition and……..VITAMIN D!!!

Look at your kids/yourself, are you or they pale? More than likely you are insufficient in vitamin D. You can get Vitamin D for free through sunlight. Dr. William Grant recommends 50-80 mcg in your system daily. If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, you can have a simple blood test done to find out what your vitamin D levels are at. (Did you know that if you have sufficient vitamin D levels in your system it can even reduce your chances of getting cancer by 78%)!

Listen to the podcast below for more information.

Health Ranger Report #80: NaturalNews Talk Hour - Keeping your kids safe from swine flu

Featuring Jonathan Landsman and the Health Ranger, this show features tips and strategies for protecting your kids from not only the swine flu itself, but also from the swine flu vaccine. http://www.naturalnews.com/podcasts/NN-talk-hour-2009-09-03.mp3

or you can go to: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcasts.html then click on the podcast for (Health Ranger Report #80: NaturalNews Talk Hour - Keeping your kids safe from swine flu)

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