02 July 2010




A.Dama said...

Pana am vazut iutubul, am crezut ca-i vorba de imagine... Si eram gata sa-ti amintesc cam cati cocosi exista intr-o curte si cate gaini...
Dupa ce-am vazut-o pe carlontiata blonda facandu-si numarul, mi-a parut rau ca n-am facut si eu de-astea cand eram mica. :)



* Although things are not perfect

* Because of trial or pain,

* Continue in thanksgiving

* Do not begin to blame.

* Even when the times are hard

* Fierce winds are bound to blow.

* God is forever able,

* Hold on to what you know!

* Imagine life without His love,

* Joy would cease to be.

* Keep thanking Him for all the things

* Love imparts to Thee.

* Move out of "Camp Complaining!"

* No weapon that is known

* On earth can yield the power

* Praise can do alone.

* Quit looking at the future;

* Redeem the time at hand;

* Start every day with worship--

* To "thank" is a command.

* Until we see Him coming,

* Victorious in the sky

* We'll run the race with gratitude

* Xalting God most high.

* Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...

* Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

~Author Unknown~
Virginia Brasov