03 November 2010

WORLD PRAYER NEWS - Week of November 7, 2010

( This week’s communiqué is coming a day early to accommodate travel. There will be no communiqué next reason for the same reason. Thanks for praying!)


UUPG (Unengaged, Unreached People Groups)

The Gospel is advancing! 639 peoples with populations of 50,000 or more, are UUPGs. In the last five years. 470 of these groups now have 4,000 Christian workers, 200,000 decisions for Christ and 8,000 churches.
Their total population is 535 million. (Third Lausanne Congress)

CYPRUS. “Research indicates that 15 million people in the Middle East (and Europe) watch SAT-7. …Thousands are responding to the love of Christ.

HOLLYWOOD, The Film Capitol of the world.
“There are more and more prayer groups, Bible studies, fellowship groups, screenings, Festivals and weekly events for Christians in Hollywood. Thanks so much for praying with us and for us. You are making an eternal impact by praying for the world’s most influential mission field!” (Hollywood Prayer Network)


The PERSECUTED CHURCH. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on November 14 provides opportunity to join over half a million churches in 150 countries to pray for the suffering Church. Call on the Lord to encourage and strengthen the persecuted church, and to awaken churches in places where there is no persecution. (RLC-WEA)

INDONESIA, rocked by two separate disasters in recent days.
1. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that swept the Mentawai Island chain in western Indonesia.
2. Volcano Mount Merapi erupted multiple times unleashing searing flows that destroyed villages and blanketed the countryside with ash.
Ask the Lord to use these disasters to turn people from false religions to salvation and rescue in Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 4:4) (ANM, WIN)

ERITREA. (Christ is building an amazing church through these persecuted believers! Let us pray for them more than ever!) “The communist government officials of Eritrea have detained more than 3,000 Christians, keeping them under inhumane conditions. Christians are imprisoned in metal shipping containers, military barracks and underground dungeons. Many have died inside the prisons due to torture and harsh prison conditions.” (International Christian Concern – ICC)

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