29 December 2010


"I was raised in a devout Christian (Southern Baptist) home by two parents who had only recently become "strong Christians."
By the time I was a young teen I had begun to have doubts about my religion, but I felt that I couldn't share them with anyone around me. Instead I "turned the volume up to 11" and pretended that nothing was wrong. I struggled constantly, praying to God for guidance, to help me to follow him and serve him. I didn't get an answer. I had a dual vision of the world around me. I saw it all through the eyes of a good Christian, saw how God was working, saw his miracles, saw his love. I also saw the world through the eyes of an unbeliever. I saw that the miracles could be explained away with science and saw that a lot of what was prayed for wasn't ever answered.
Before recently I thought I was one of the few in my situation. Since writing my story online I have found that I am but a single member of a large group of people with very similar stories. One day I'll have a new job and can be open about it with my friends and community here. One day I'll get up the nerve to break this news to my parents. I didn't lost my faith, I grew out of it."
Mai sus citeva extracte din povestea sumara a unui tinar crescut in familie crestina ( tatal pastor) care ajuns in college ( tot crestin) si avind citiva profesori liberali...incepe sa aiba dubii despre credinta lui si eventual ajunge sa nu mai creada in Dumnezeu. Lucreaza ca pastor cu muzica intr-o biserica. Dar...pierderea credintei in Dumnezeu nu-l impiedica deocamdata sa pastreze pozitia care o are in Biserica...ca...deh...cu economia asta este greu sa-ti gasesti alt servici?!

Asa ca...atentie parinti care va trimiteti copii la clasa de tineret...aveti grija cine si mai ales ce ii invata. Persoana despre care scriu aici inca lucreaza in Biserica chiar daca nu mai crede in ceea ce se predica in Biserica...si poate fi una din persoanele care va vor influenta copilul. sau adolescentul dumneavoastra. 

Ba mai mult decit atit, astazi am auzit la o emisiune de radio ca acest caz nu este singular. Ce sa facem? Cred ca, Cristina de pe blogul de mai jos detine secretul ...ca sa fim siguri de cel mai important lucru din viata copiilor nostrii- sufletul lor- trebuie sa ii educam noi in aceasta privinta si sa veghem mereu asupra influentelor din jur. Si cind toate astea se termina- sa ne facem bataturi la genunchi!



  1. What If Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer Had Found God Earlier?



    This is some pretty incredible interview footage between Dahmer, his dad and Stone Phillips. Dahmer says he won't blame anyone but himself for his crimes yet he all but puts the blame on EVOLUTION! Had his father not drifted from God/Creation Science and taught Dahmer about the same - would he have committed the crimes?

  2. Imi place cum scrieti, cum pot lua legatura cu dumneavoastra?

  3. Un articol frumos si bine scris, voi revenii cu siguranta
