30 December 2010

Fostul Presedinte al Israelului...se pregateste de ...inchisoare!

     JERUSALEM – Former Israel President Moshe Katsav was convicted Thursday of raping an employee when he was a Cabinet minister, the most serious criminal charges ever brought against a high-ranking official and a case that shocked the nation.
     Katsav, 65, likely faces from four to 16 years in prison for the crimes, which included two counts of raping an employee in 1998 when he was tourism minister and lesser counts of indecent acts and sexual harassment involving two other women who worked for him when he was president.
     Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/12/30/israeli-president-katsav-convicted-rape/#ixzz19fOo8mbS


  1. El se va adauga altor 4 fosti ministrii sau altor inalti functionari condamnati intre 4-6 ani pentru mita,trafic de influenta,falsuri...
    de asemeni celor 3 fosti ministrii care intre timp s-au eliberat...
    in curand se asteapta si verditul tribunalului in cazul foastului prim ministru Olmert,a actualuliui ministru de externe Avigdor Liberman...etc...etc...
    pae cand si la noi ?

    (pedepsele...nu mita...!)

  2. La multi ani!!!
