17 April 2011


Monica and I know  this man personally. His mother, especially, as well as his step-father, were friends of ours. They are home with the Lord. Some of you getting this will know all three of them. My sister, Ruth, sent this to me because she knew of our friendship with the family.
 Pastor McGann

 Coolest car on earth
  Watch the whole video; it is a bit of a shocker when you learn who this guy is and how he was raised.
Am primit e-mailul de mai sus de la Pastorul meu. El  a cunoscut parintii acestui om- care are un automobil care si zboara. Inventatorul automobilului este fiul unui misionar care a fost omorit de un trib in Ecuador. Apoi acest trib l-au adoptat si el zice ca ei l-au inspirat sa inventeze acest autobobil care poate fi atit de pretios in expeditiile misonare,  ca sa transporte  de exemplu pe cineva bolnav in locuri unde nu este acces pentru avioane  etc. Impresionant!!!

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