03 April 2011


WEEK OF April 3, 2011

Give Thanks to the Lord!

WASHINGTON, D.C      “House leaders took a key step Wednesday .  It will allow the House to defend in courts a law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman.”                                                           (Capitol News Company)

ROMANIA.  “In 2006, we started the first 24-hour Christian TV channel in Eastern Europe.  In October last year we started our second one.  We have used satellite to cover the whole of Europe.”                                  (Alpha Omega TV)

WISCONSIN.  At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Campus Crusade is the largest student organization with more than 400 students involved.                 (CCC)

HOLLYWOOD.  Movies with very strong Christian, biblical worldviews released last year earned nearly four times as much money as those with very strong anti-Christian values.                                                                   (Movieguide)

Please Pray This Week for:

JAPAN.  Mr. Naoyoshi Sato was recently placed in charge of the national response team to the nuclear power plant crises.  “We are convinced that it is no coincidence that a Christian has been put in this position.  He needs God’s wisdom and strength to see this through.”                                                     (TEAM)

NEPAL.  The World Evangelical Alliance has urged Nepal’s lawmakers to discuss and review a proposed ban on the right to convert others.  Ask God to open wide the door to evangelism in Nepal.

NIGERIA.  Pray for Nigerian citizens.  They will vote during April for national and state officials.  Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, is favored to win the presidency, and needs much prayer.  He faces three Muslim opponents.                        (ANS)

IRAN.  “The situation for Christians in Iran is worsening, with churches finding it difficult to hold meetings, and many Christians attempting to flee the country”  (CSW).  Pray for pastors and other Christians in prison to win their captors to Christ.

            “I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people these little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those prayers down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives.”  -Robert Kreeft, Professor, Boston College.

Dr. Aubrey McGann
"Serving the Lord with gladness"

1 comment:

  1. O draga mea Rodica, daca oamenii ar întelege puterea rugaciunii, ar petrece mai mult timp pe genunchi în comuniune cu Dumnezeu.
