08 July 2011

GINDURI DE PE DRUM...(micul si curajosul meu erou)


Went with my mom to my pre-op with Dr Cook, yesterday. Have I mentioned how much I adore him???? He IS a G-d-sent!! He’s going to remove some endo, adhesions, and my right ovary. I’m in good hands… So I feel really comfortable driving to Menlo Park Surgical, this morning. Danny’s driving right beside me and mama is in the backseat. Danny & I will be spending the night at the hospital… Surgical Boutique, as my aunt/sister/best friend calls it. Aneea and Sethy will come by for a visit and mommy-sit, taking my mama to their home. I’m looking forward to having this time with my love ones!! Ruthie is coming by, too!!! :) . I’m so spoiled!!! G-d has been so good and merciful to me!!!! I feel the prayers that are being brought to the Father’s feet on my behalf. I have such joy and peace, that only comes from Him. :) Glory to G-d!!! Thank you, everyone, for your prayers.

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