17 April 2012

festivalul thaipusam...

Dati un click mai jos sa vedeti ceva ce n-ati mai vazut pina acuma.( Mie mi-a venit rau de la stomac.)
Este festivalul indian Thaipusam. Bagati de seama ca nu veti vedea o picatura de singe, si inchinatorii nu simt nici o durere, si cind se termina ceremonia nu ramin urme pe fata lor. Ei spun..."Dansam pe muzica pina ce intra spiritele in noi" si abia dupa aceea incepe facutul semnelor pe trup. Cititi si descrierea intregii ceremonii. Citeodata merg 4 mile de la un templu la altul in timp ce continua strigatele demonice...

Click on the link below cut and paste in your browser to see a video such as you have probably never seen before.

This is the Hindu festival of Thaipusam. Notice there is no blood, the worshipers feel no pain and there are no scars left on their bodies when it is all over. They say, "We dance to the music until the spirits of our gods enter into us" and then the piercing begins.

Read also the description of the ceremony itself. Sometimes they walk for over 4 miles from one temple to another while the denomic music and shouting goes on.

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