31 July 2012


La general, oamenii sint atit de fericiti cit isi ingaduie sa fie.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Secretul fericirii este in a-i face pe altii sa creada ca ei sint cauza ei. 
The secret of happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it.
Al Battin National Enquirer
Fericirea nu este mai mult decit sanatate buna si memorie proasta.
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)
Fericirea unui om in viata nu consta in absenta ci cunoasterea profunda a pasiunilor lui.
The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809 - 1892)
O persoana nu este niciodata fericita cu o exceptie - ca pret pentru ignoranta. 
 A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance.
Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
Fericirea vine intr-o stare de pace , nu de tumult.
Happiness arises in a state of peace, not of tumult.
Ann Radcliffe (1764 - 1823)The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1764
Descoperirea unui nou fel de mincare face mai mult pentru fericirea umana decit descoperirea unei stele noi.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826)Physiologie du Gout, 1825
Fericirea depinde de noi.
Happiness depends upon ourselves.
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
Multumirea il face pe sarac bogat ; nemultumirea il saraceste pe cel bogat.
Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
Daca ar exista in lume astazi un numar mare de oameni care sa-si doreasca proria fericire mai mult decit sa doreasca nefericirea altora, am putea sa fim in citiva ani in paradis.

If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
Cautarea fericirii este fraza cea mai ridicola; daca cauti dupa fericire n-ai s-o gasesti niciodata.
The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.
C. P. Snow (1905 - 1980)
Bucurate de toate amintirile frumoase; o sa-ti creeze o perina buna pentru batrinete.
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)
Mincind orez  si bind apa, si punindu-mi mina indoita sub cap= si am bucurie in mijlocul acestor lucruri. Bogatiile si onoarea adunata de cei rai sint ca un nor plutitor.
With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow - I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud.
Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)The Confucian Analects
Citeodata este greu sa ocolesti fericirea altora.
Sometimes it's hard to avoid the happiness of others.
David AssaelNorthern Exposure, Our Tribe, 1992
Incetineste si bucura-te de viata. Nu ai sa pierzi numai peisajul prin care treci atit de repede ai sa-ti pierzi si sensul de directie si motivul pentru care alergi.
Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
Eddie Cantor (1892 - 1964)
O viata plina de fericire. Nici o persoana n-ar putea sa reziste; ar fii iadul pe pamint.
A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)"Man and Superman" (1903), act I
Fericirea este sa ai o familie numeroasa, grijulie, unita, plina de dragoste...in alt oras.
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.
George Burns (1896 - 1996)
Sa fii prost, egoist si sanatos tun...iata 3 lucruri necesare ca sa fii fericit, desi daca nu esti prost, ai pierdut sansa la fericire.
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
Gustave Flaubert (1821 - 1880)
Daca nu putem trai sa fim fericiti, atunci hai sa traim ca si cind am merita fericirea.
If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us least live so as to deserve it.
Immanuel Hermann Fichte
Sint un fel de paranoic...pe invers. Suspectez pe toata lumea ca se straduieste sa ma faca fericit.
I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.
J. D. Salinger (1919 - )
Nebunul cauta dupa fericire departe ( la distante), inteleptul o creste sub picioarele lui.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
James Oppenheim

1 comment:

  1. Au şi săracii români fericitorii lor.

    "Fericirea adevărată n-o are, nu poate s-o aibă, decît acela care o dă...
    Şi ca s-o dai, ne e nevoie s-o ai; iar ca s-o ai, trebuie să-ncepi prin a o da"
    'File rupte'- Al. Vlahuţă
