03 November 2012

Ce le trece lor prin minte....

Blagurile conservatorilor sint in flacari dupa ultimele comentarii facute de Valerie Jarrett, un advisor senior al Presedintelui Obama si prietena apropiata, care recent s-a adresat altor membrii...

"Dupa ce vom cistiga, ne va veni noua rindul. Sa le platim inapoi politele. Toti care nu sint cu noi sint impotriva noastra, si ar face bine sa se pregateasca ca no sa-i uitam. Cei care ne-au ajutat sa cistigam campania vor fi rasplatiti, si cei care ne-au fost impotriva vor primii ce li se cuvine."

Jarrett, care este considerata cea mai influentabila persoana in anturajul lui Obama de la Casa Alba, vorbind despre relatia cu presedintele ca ei doi se potrivesc pentruca gindesc la fel. "Avem parca o minte comuna...ce vrea el sa faca este ce as face si eu."

In mod alarmant Jarrett continua...

"Se va platii pentru iadul asta. Congresul nu mai este o problema pentru noi de data asta.. Nu mai avem nici vreo alegere de care sa ne ingrijoram dupa ce trece asta, si avem deja doi judecatori  gata de actiune."
From the Desk of:
Mat Staver


Conservative blogs are literally on fire over alleged comments made by Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Obama and one of his closest friends, who was recently addressing other Obama senior staffers…

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time.
Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.”

Jarrett, who is considered the single-most influential person in Obama’s White House, says of her relationship with the President that the two think alike. “We have kind of a mind meld… what he wants to do is what I’d want to do.”

Jarrett’s alarming rant continued…

“There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”

Rodica, Valerie Jarrett’s comments are a chilling forecast of things to come for conservatives and people of faith if Obama is given another four years in the White House!

1 comment:

  1. Oare ar putea să domnească un vrăjmaş al dreptăţii? Şi vei osândi tu pe Cel drept, pe Cel puternic, care strigă către împăraţi: ,Netrebnicilor!’ Şi către domnitori: ,Nelegiuiţilor!’
