18 January 2013

nevoie de rugaciune...

Felicia Radu va roaga sa va rugati pentru tatal ei care are o tumoare la creier. Mare putere are rugaciunea si Biblia ne indeamna sa ne rugam unii pentru altii. Sa ne rugam atit pentru el cit si pentru familia dinsului. 

I have a prayer request. My dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2005. He underwent an operation, chemo and radiation and was symptom free for a while, but this week we found out that a new tumor has developed. We don't know the extent of the tumor yet and are waiting on a neurosurgery specialist from UCSF Medical Center to set up a consultation. He is at home resting for the time being but has not been feeling well. I will be setting up a Facebook page later today and will post updates on his condition and treatment plan as things progress. Please keep him in your prayers. If you wish to contact him please message me and I will provide you with his number and/or address. Thank you.

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